Policy and Advocacy

As one of only a handful of nonprofit recyclers in the United States, we work to take the data and experiences from our operations and apply it to our policy and advocacy work. Working in collaboration with community partners, we are advancing systems changes to ensure recycling serves to promote a zero-waste future that prioritizes waste reduction and reuse systems.

Our Current Campaigns

We are facing a packaging crisis, and it is time for producers to reduce their packaging, eliminate the most problematic materials, and transition towards reusable, compostable, and recyclable packaging.
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Minnesota needs a deposit return system for beverage containers that will not only support higher recycling rates but also reduce waste by promoting reuse and establish fair and inclusive standards for informal workers.
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We cannot continue to recycle toxic packaging. Minnesota needs to ban the most toxic chemicals to better protect human health and the environment.
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Minnesota must enhance its 'right-to-repair' law by extending coverage to additional products such as large farm equipment. This ensures that residents have the freedom to repair their belongings themselves or at a repair facility of their choice.
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We endorse the MN Zero Waste Coalition's policy platform, which addresses e-waste, food waste, organics collection, and other policies.
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Policy and Advocacy News

Take Action

Eureka's Policy Team

Katie Drews

Katie Drews

Lucy Mullany
Director of Policy and Advacocy

Lynn Hoffman Co-President Eureka Recycling

Lynn Hoffman
Strategic Advisor

Eureka Recycling is a founding member of the Alliance of Mission-Based Recyclers (AMBR), a coalition founded by four of the original pioneers of mission-driven, community-based nonprofit recycling in the U.S. Together we are guiding new recycling policies and infrastructure investments to rebuild credible, transparent recycling systems that serve as a bridge toward a circular economy and just, resilient local communities.